Where does the wind go when it’s no longer here,

Does it travel to far off places, will the same wind ever reappear.

If it blows across the ocean has it a plan of its own,

Are their many different winds, who would know.

It passes us by in an instance of time,

Cool or warm, soft it may feel,

Wicked with speed, fierce it may be.

Where the wind blows is a mystery only god knows,

Beyond the clouds, across the mountains it flows.

It has not a face as it makes its self known,

Since the beginning of time, where does the wind blow.

Where the wind blows, many think they know,

From long ago many souls have followed and never

Have seen where it goes, where the wind blows.

Keith Garrett

5 thoughts on “WHERE THE WIND BLOWS

  1. Pingback: In Step With the Wind | Minister Raines

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