A NEW MOTHER'S DAY            

  Not as before when morning phone calls would visit,

  Cards sent with love through the mail cease to be,

  Flowers of color may be yours in a new heavenly scene.

  Many Mother's Day celebrations we all shared with you,

  Words to a mother in a different way we'll do.

  A new Mother's Day of changes, some sad, a day to be glad,

  Our Mother would want us to be happy just as she,

  No dwelling on the loss, let it go as in heaven she will forever be.

                          Happy Mother's Day, Mom,

                                      Rest in peace.                 



                              A BASEBALL DREAM    

   On a farm he grew up, the early days of the game,   

  A bat of his own was made from a tree that stood alone.    

  He had a name for his bat, a certain magic it contained,

  Circumstances would get in the way, a dream put aside.

  Disappeared without a trace until he arrived on a day,

  His special bat carried in hand, this was to be his last 

  For only a moment he would stand beneath the lights,

  A baseball dream before he faded into the night.

                            Keith Garrett



   I was a child in 1969, I had not a clue of the world,

  I knew of certain things, those of which I lived through.

  Riding my bike, and a deadly Halloween night, that's 

  I remember all that I did as a kid, a lifetime ago and a 

  Vietnam was a reality and I was protected by my childish 

  Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid, Clint Eastwood was 
  The man,

  Raindrops keep falling on my head, Simon and Garfunkel 
  were grand.

 Scooby -Doo, and all of the colorful cartoons that I knew, I 
  Think of you,

  Baseball with the miracle Mets, Bill Russell, and the 
  Champion Celtics.

  Joe Namath with his Guarantee, the Jets beat the Colts, 
  Charles Manson, and history,

 The Innocence of the Brady Bunch, walk on the moon, 
  Led Zeppelin, And a tune.

 1969 was the year when love and innocence were mixed with
  My day.

                                         Keith Garrett


                   1943 NICKEL

   A nickel I came upon, old is its age,

   Dirty and worn, 1943 had a name.

   When it was made, which first pocket did hold,

   A celebrity of movies or a farmer tired at night.

   Could it have been the great Joe Dimaggio, 

   As time went by possibly a singer or Olympian.

  A little boy had a nickel in his pocket, grew did he,

  A famous writer he became, a 1943 nickel, where 
  Could it be?

  Beyond seventy years this silver looking coin has traveled,

  Today it rests with me, who held onto it in 1943?

      Keith Garrett


                                       EASTER  BUNNY

  Where does he come from, this figure of folklore, 

  A symbol of Easter from many generations ago.

  This rabbit that brings Easter eggs during the night,

  Also called the "Easter Hare" Sometimes shown 
  Wearing clothes.

  As legend tells, he carried colored eggs in a basket, 
  Candy, and toys,

  To the homes of children who were good and obedient.

  Easter bunny, Easter bunny, I thought of you during the 

  A gift to me of a colorful Easter Basket, by morning's 
             Keith Garrett



  A small, mischievous, Elf, dressed in green attire,

  Belts of black, boots perhaps of the same color.

  From Irish folklore, it has been said they have been

Seen roaming the Irish countryside, these wee folk.

   Members of a clan, they invaded Ireland, banished 
  To live underground.

  Standing only two to three feet tall, these devious 

  Quick witted, Intelligent, they evade capture from 

  They live in underground caves with entrances or a 
  Hollow trunk of a fairy tree,

  It is said that wishes of three have been granted to
  Some that leave them be.

  They are known for their love of Irish music and dance, 
  Instruments played,

  Tin whistle, the fiddle, Bodhran, and the Irish harp, a 
  look with beards and pipes.

  Shoemakers they are, believed because of all the dance 
  They do,

  To catch one of the wee folk is nearly impossible as they 
  Are smart with magical powers.

  Vanish into thin air they can, a pot of gold is a most 
  Possible dream,

  You'll hear an Irish Leprechaun before you'll ever see one,

  They have a fondness for drinking Irish Poitin, catch one 
  if you can.
                               Happy St. Patrick's Day,

                                 Keith Garrett


                            YOU WERE MOM

  I can't quite remember when I first opened my eyes,

   From that moment you were always by my side, mother 
  Of mine,

  You held me when I was hungry, fed me as I drifted 
  Back to sleep,

  Made me feel secure, washed me and made sure I was 
  Always clean.

  When I woke from a scary dream, it was you who took away
  My fearful dreams,

  You were there when I was down, near and always around, 
  You were mom.

  You taught me about the things that I should know, about 
  The world as I would grow,

  You were a friend, companion, but most of all, you were my 
  Mother, you were mom.
  Memories I will never forget, I would trade them all for 
  One more day, you went away,

  I will see you again in a different kind of land, you were 
  Mom, Thanks for all that you were.


                     BACK TO YESTERDAY

  There was a place, many places of my yesterday,

  Far back in a place of snowy woods, a child so young.

  Superman, batman, bicycle, and a tree swing once was,

  Remembering the summer sun where a small boy would run.

  Back to yesterday, another town to roam around, I found,

  Headed for the future as my thoughts travel to a yesterday,

  As life and time move ahead, cobwebs are more where I began.

  I have moved, aged in a few different ways, tomorrow always 
  has a yesterday,

  My eyes open to a miracle morning, miracle being another day.

                                       Keith Garrett


                     100 YEARS FROM TODAY

  Yesterday, what we see as hundreds of years ago is gone,

  History it is to us, read about in books of long lost times.

  The days are always moving along, we do take for granted 
  The morning,

  The setting sun is a most spectacular sight, heading into 
  The night.

  Here where we stand may still be standing, another will 
  Be standing,

  100 years from today, the world that we know will have 
  much changed.

  Just as we wonder what life was like back in a time of 
  Cowboys, And pioneers, 

   Tomorrow's people will also wonder and read about our 
  Time and place.

  100 years from today we will be a part of history, others 
  Will be amazed,

  Just as we are amazed and dream of those times when the 
  World appeared to be a dream.

                                                        Keith Garrett